Charleston Bat Removal: 7 Signs That You Have Bats

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Dealing with bats in your Charleston home can be unsettling and hazardous to your health. Bats are known carriers of diseases, and their droppings can cause structural damage over time. Identifying the signs of a bat infestation early can save you from potential health risks and costly repairs. If you’re in Charleston and suspect bat activity in your home, here’s what you need to look out for. For immediate assistance, remember to contact Feather Fighters Wildlife Removal, your local experts in Charleston bat removal.

1. Noises in the Attic or Walls

Bats are nocturnal creatures, so you might hear them moving around at night. Sounds of scratching or light thumping in the attic, walls, or between the floors are common signs. These noises might increase in frequency right around dusk and dawn when bats are most active.

2. Bat Droppings (Guano)

Finding bat droppings, also known as guano, around your home can be a clear indicator of a bat infestation. Guano usually accumulates beneath the roosting area. It looks like rodent droppings but is typically softer and will crumble easily. Be cautious, as guano can harbor fungal spores harmful to humans.

3. Urine Stains on Walls or Windows

Bat urine, which can leave noticeable stains, might be found on walls and windows. These stains often appear as streaks that have a strong, unpleasant ammonia smell. This is especially noticeable in the warmer months when heat amplifies the odor.

4. Grease Marks

Bats have oily fur. Marks and stains around small openings or cracks leading to your attic or basement could be signs of bats sliding in and out of these entry points. These greasy residues are often left at entry points used frequently by bats.

5. Visual Sightings

If you see bats flying in and out of your home, particularly at twilight, this is a direct sign of an infestation. Bats typically enter and exit from higher points like attics or loose siding.

6. Presence of Dead Bats

Finding a dead bat on your property can indicate that a colony might be living somewhere in your home. Dead bats should be handled carefully or professionally due to the risk of disease.

7. Unusual Activity from Household Pets

Pets are often more sensitive to the presence of bats than humans. If your pets are acting strangely or constantly staring at the ceiling or walls, they might be hearing or seeing bats that you don’t.

What to Do If You Suspect Bats in Your Home

If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to address the issue as soon as possible. Bats can carry rabies and other diseases, making them a serious health hazard. Additionally, the longer bats dwell in your property, the more damage they can cause.

Call Feather Fighters Wildlife Removal

For professional Charleston bat removal, contact Feather Fighters Wildlife Removal. Our trained specialists are equipped to safely and effectively remove bats from your home and ensure they don’t return. Don’t let bats make your attic their home. Call us today at (843) 568-1249 and reclaim your peace of mind.

By taking immediate action, you can protect your health and your home from the dangers of bats. Remember, dealing with bats is not a DIY job—professional removal is essential. Trust Feather Fighters Wildlife Removal to handle your Charleston bat removal needs efficiently and safely.

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