Charleston Bat Removal: 7 Signs That You Have Bats

In Wildlife Removal by leadsquirrel-adminLeave a Comment

Dealing with bats in your Charleston home can be unsettling and hazardous to your health. Bats are known carriers of diseases, and their droppings can cause structural damage over time. Identifying the signs of a bat infestation early can save you from potential health risks and costly repairs. If you’re in Charleston and suspect bat activity in your home, here’s …

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A Rodent Problem in the lowcountry

In Rats, Pest Control, Rodents, Wildlife Removal by leadsquirrel-admin

If you live in or around the Charleston area, then you probably know someone who has had a rodent problem in their attic, crawlspace, walls or place of business.  Chances are a lot more of your friends and family have had a rat problem than you know. This is because folks can get embarrassed about these and the fact of the matter …

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Vulture Removal in Charleston, SC

In Pest Control, Wildlife Removal by leadsquirrel-admin1 Comment

Vulture removal calls are becoming more and more common. To bird control specialists, the birds that are causing damage to the roofs, window seals, and soil vent boots of homes and businesses in Charleston, SC are vultures.  The two types we see in this area are the Turkey Vulture, and the Black Vulture. The Turkey Vulture is so named because of its resemblance to a …